Pieter Luteijn

Results 8 comments of Pieter Luteijn

I haven't gone much further than opening up one of my two smartPADs, a V0.13 PCB is inside, located the CN2. Next step will probably have to be soldering some...

https://github.com/TheKikGen/kikpad/issues/1?_pjax=%23repo-content-pjax-container === phase 1 - bootloader === 0) open up pad, locate CN2 and solder on some wires/header/pins. install openocd and stlink tools from distro repository; get the tkg bootloader...

My next step should probably be to check via st-link what was actually flashed to 0x08001000 and check out the issues in the bootloader repo - maybe also try to...

Seems to work fine, from the quick tests I did this morning before work: the pads light up with a logo, then form a piano keyboard which sends out note...

So, continuing the step-by-step of someone working back from "I have a nice midiplus pad with crap stock software and I want to improve that"-point of view: After compiling a...

First try at turning the midiplus pad into a generic controller, gzipped as .bin isn't supported on the site: [kikpad_io.bin.gz](https://github.com/TheKikGen/kikpad/files/7110685/kikpad_io.bin.gz) Modifications made to the source: [diff.txt](https://github.com/TheKikGen/kikpad/files/7110690/diff.txt) Basically, this makes it...

As a minor followup: I've also successfully flashed my second SmartPAD to something more usable, didn't even have to solder anything on CN2 this time, just stuck some old slightly...

Sure, I'll try to find some time one of these days to make a fully clean version against the repository as I couldn't completely suppress my inner grammar-nazi and changed...