what is the use case? seems disk or queue are something like `target`. is it for when target can not catch up with log message producer ?
seems right now, the [span-based api in `StringBuilder`](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/release/2.2/src/mscorlib/shared/System/Text/StringBuilder.cs#L1067) doesn't give more good here. since what we do is format data to string then append to stringbuilder, then generate bytes to...
pipe `state` will be created when the the pipe had been build, which will only occur in `registry` init time. Perhaps this is due to the current implementation about the...
ok, i will check it later. and maybe i misunderstanding someting, seems its here to make `middleware/facotry` invoke in an hopac thread. i will test it later. ```fsharp type PromisedLogger(name,...
// Middleware at: // - LogaryConf (goes on all loggers) (through engine,and compose at call-site) // - TargetConf (goes on specific target) (composes in engine when sending msg to target)...
yes , `logger.apply` can set it by manually, but this needs to use the same logger through the whole request. https://github.com/SuaveIO/suave/issues/579 situation like this can not get work automatically. and...
```fsharp ftestCaseJob "log with scope" (job { let! (logm, out, error) = Utils.buildLogManager () let loggername = PointName.parse "logger.test" let lg = logm.getLogger loggername let s1 = logm.beginScope (lazy(box "scope-1"))...
`combineLatest` maybe expressed through `bufferConditional` ? can i see these implementation for more details ? `scan` here seems like some `ticker` ?
pipes if not involves async (like `TickTimer`), they are invoked at callsite when user log message, exception here will raise to user's callsite , if involved with `TickTimer` these exception...
what do you mean "bind" ? the `else` part ?