Harry Pantazis
Harry Pantazis
No offense but README does little for me (meaning a complete beginner on ATF) to understand basic structure of tests and the functionality of ATF. Some further reference to information...
Currently, BMX7 uses the ODI interface ([as can be seen here](https://github.com/bmx-routing/bmx7/blob/master/src/bmx.c#L1510)), with which per every single file of .c code near the end we find the options handling. To me...
BMX7 offers the extension of its functionality through various Plugins. These come in the form of shared libraries, follow some specific code structure and (currently) are capable of giving BMX7...
@aparcar We have done some discussions and Paul has put into work [mlc-ng](https://github.com/aparcar/mlc-ng). Currently [Mesh Linux Containers](https://github.com/axn/mlc) offer three capabilities: - Emulating with debian lxc containers, - VirtualBox support (with...
Create a Glossary.md file to define all of the concepts appearing throughout documentation and usage of BMX7
Add a description of how someone can use the existing debugging functionality in schemescript
Most of the guides are in html. It would be better to turn it into markdown for easier updates later. #minor
The Eclipse screenshots that show an example of the function that is described are a little old and ugly. Update to newest eclipse's graphics. #minor
Check the examples in the UserGuide inside the wiki and see what works and what not.