Jie Zhang
Jie Zhang
@mariolew SimilarityTransform is needed for some reason that other papers are already said. And for relative delta shapes, it should be relative not absolute. Imagine that you have a face...
Same implement, not much difference. We need a better way to do data augmentation, No face detector for preprocess.
It seems the program links the wrong dynamic so file. Usually, these so files should lie in `/usr/lib` or `/usr/local/lib`. Error warns you link the files from anaconda.
You can init the shape with mean shape. If you want a data augment, you can also random shift the init shape. Init the shape using other face's ground truth...
Thanks a lot!
@GreenKing 不好意思,代码还没有写完。我也是边看论文边写的代码,同时我也参考了这个项目 [FaceDetect/jointCascade_py](https://github.com/FaceDetect/jointCascade_py) 的代码,这个项目是用 Python 写的,好像训练部分已经写完能够运行,你可以关注一下。 至于移植到单片机上,因为代码用了 OpenCV 的 C++ 接口,可能要用 C 移植起来会比较麻烦但应该不会很难。 速度上的话,论文中提到可以和 VJ 的速度持平,但是论文作者实现的方法肯定是做过优化的,我们自己实现未必能够到达那种速度。
@larsoncs [FaceDetect/jointCascade_py](https://github.com/FaceDetect/jointCascade_py) 并没有使用 OpenCV 做人脸检测,请参考它人脸检测的代码 [FaceDetect/jointCascade_py/demo/demo_detect.py](https://github.com/FaceDetect/jointCascade_py/blob/master/demo/demo_detect.py#L26-L72)
No plan for GPU implementation. As you mentioned this, highly recommend the deep learning method to solve the face detection problem.
Please create a `config.json` file for JDA. `config.template.json` is a template file for configuration. The error is thrown by this [line](https://github.com/luoyetx/JDA/blob/master/src/jda/common.cpp#L117).
try `jda.c` and build with CMake Release mode. `cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`