I really hope you can pr successfully, because tosun and ZLG are very popular in China😄 > > from tosun import TSCanMessage, TSCanFdMessage, TSMasterException, TosunDevice, TSMasterMessageType > > @zhuyu4839 >...
no need to open "receive_own_messages ", change bus.send ,haha... ``` old_send = bus.send def new_send(_self, msg: Message, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> None: msg.timestamp = old_send(msg=msg, timeout=timeout) self.logger(msg) bus.send...
receive_own_messages does not seem to be available on every interface and may depend on hardware. You can get the message manually after sending it, but the timestamp is not accurate.
Maybe you could set "timeout" for send, and execpt Exception to information about success or not
It is normal for me to detect vector with pyinstaller package. What do you use package tool?
I have solved this problem by installing the latest driver via etas hsp and then installing boa consistent with the python version