hi, when I try to map ont data to reference genome, I encountered the following error . Processed: 5129832(0.47),R/S: 92.35,RL:5829,Time:1.74 4.00 4.00,Align: 0.99,430,0.83 Readl e;7TCTATGAC3GFG)5+TCAT-491 4t()16HF+13) 5292604( '+)7=3(1T, N(/CACC1/7CAL A...
When I use -Ivcf to force calling, there is no 'TRA' or 'BND' in my vcf files. The command is : nohup cuteSV A.sort.bam re.fasta A.cuteSV.vcf cutesv/ --threads 16 --sample...
when I use a vcf with structure variation, It's warning skip Indel site, there are total skip Indel sites number is : 618346,after filter Remain SNP Number : 0. Does...
When I run the chromap software, I keep getting the following error chromap: src/mapping_writer.h:62: void chromap::MappingWriter::InitializeMappingOutput(uint32_t, const string&, chromap::MappingOutputFormat&) [with MappingRecord = chromap::SAMMapping; uint32_t = unsigned int; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string]:...
when I run chromap, it got the error: Segmentation fault (core dumped) chromap --preset hic -r $contigsFasta -x contigs.index --remove-pcr-duplicates -1 $r1Reads -2 $r2Reads --SAM -o aligned.sam -t 30. The...