Per Thomas Lundal
Per Thomas Lundal
I have added the option to set insets on primary and secondary monitors to my fork. Maybe a combination of positive and negative insets on your secondary monitor could serve...
This is already possible. Go to the settings section in extension.js and increase gridSettings[SETTINGS_WINDOW_MARGIN].
I'll have a look when 3.20 lands on my system (it's currently in the testing repo for my distro). Could be as simple as adding 3.20 to metadata.json
It actually was that simple, which @ElectricPrism seems to have already figured out. A working version can be found at his or my repository.
This is already possible. Go to the settings section in extension.js and change gridSettings[SETTINGS_IGNORE_PANEL] from false to true.
I have added the option to set insets in my fork. Note that there is already an option to ignore the top panel height (SETTINGS_IGNORE_PANEL).
Looks like i have the same issue in a local project. About 10-15 minutes after starting decodeFromStream(), it begins to issue a RSS_14 (format 12) barcode every scan interval, unless...
I'm only purposefully scanning Code 128 and EAN-13 barcodes, but the continuously triggered wrong barcodes are always RSS-14. Seems like the RSS14Reader gets stuck somehow, perhaps by some noise in...
No issues after using hints to only enable Code 128 and EAN-13. All the wrong barcodes i have seen have been RSS-14.