Please where can I see the link?
Yes, I want to fix it.
Okay @ninoseki I haven't seen any unnatural expressions but the README needs a lot of work. Example: what is OSINT? So basically there are a lot of abbreviations that are...
What I am trying to say is that.. There are abbreviations in the README which a beginner like me do not understand... So writing the full meaning before the abbreviation...
Hello @derberg please I want to tweet about this issue so first-time contributors can check it out.
I have filled the shipping form but the user name I used is `Lumencodes` instead of `lumenCodes`
Hi @Revolyssup I am a first time contributor and I don't have experience with docker. I don't know if this issue is something I can work on with maybe a...
Okay, thanks. I will revert with my findings.
Hello @Timonwa do we tweet about this so people can know about it and possibly contribute.