Nach der Deinstallation (uninstall) vom RedMatic bleibt der soft-link in /sr/local/etc bestehen. Dadurch läuft das watchdog monitoring nicht mehr. ``` / # ls -l /usr/local/etc/ total 52 drwxrwxr-x 14 root...
I am referring to the closed issue in JSR223/Jython: [Class Decoration - CronTrigger - inputs map is empty]( I am not familiar with the code, but it would be enough...
Managed to build the image on my raspberry pi. **Dockerfile:** ` FROM centos:7 RUN yum install -q -y wget git glusterfs glusterfs-fuse attr RUN wget && \ tar -C...
I have performed the setup as suggested in "Network creation" as well as creating the network. After container creation, things seem to work perfectly, but after a while, I lose...
Is it somehow possible to mount volume subdirs? there is a statement in the about this at the volume creation: `docker volume create --driver sapk/plugin-gluster --opt voluri=",,:" --name test...
on raspberry pi debian stretch i get following error when running npm install: ` (node:4027) [DEP0022] DeprecationWarning: os.tmpDir() is deprecated. Use os.tmpdir() instead. npm WARN package.json [email protected] No repository field....
When monitoring more than one file it would be great if it would be possible to select/deselect particular files in the browser window.
I used the sample from readme and only get this: ``` python3 Press enter to exit... ``` running dns-sd command I get results: ``` dns-sd -B _googlecast._tcp Browsing for...