Results 10 issues of Lukhnos Liu

A custom .clang-format is introduced to minimize diff. It is evident that the Objective-C++ code has been pretty much following the WebKit style throughout the years.

> Thanks for the insightful contribution—I could run the analysis without any problem and didn't realize the prevalence of, for example, conflicting/shadowing 3-syllable scripts such as (電子式) vs (電子)(是) and...

I wonder if we should consider making Preferences an instantiable class, and the input method app should instantiate with the user defaults back store, whereas tests can instantiate with an...

小麥注音及 OpenVanilla 開發者,決定於 2022 年 2 月永久封鎖數個造成專案社群困擾的帳號。 在此不列舉各帳號,僅陳述其劣行。該當帳號長期屢次違反專案社群公約、GitHub 社群行為準則、GitHub 服務契約等規範。 具體劣行包括:發送輕視他人的 pull request (PR);以假帳號發送 PR;以假帳號混入甚至綁架討論;貶低其他小麥使用者需求;以 PR 及 issue tracker 詆毀他人並騷擾小麥注音開發者;不當利用他人智慧財產;塗鴉破壞小麥討論版;在 issue tracker、PR、screenshot、帳號頭像等附加不雅或具有歧視用語;在與其他小麥使用者互動時佯裝小麥維護者並散播佯謬、誤導、不負責任的技術資訊;擅自挪用小麥注音 issue tracker 及討論版為其 fork 的客服論壇與私用留言板;濫用 fork 的 comment...

In February 2022, the developers of McBopomofo and OpenVanilla decided to permanently ban several accounts that had been disrupting the community of our open source projects. We won’t name the...

@r91522831: 想確認一下一年前 #48 針對 .cin 檔字根有大小寫混用時,行為是否符合當初預期? 我幾個月前用你 PR 附的 .cin 檔測試了一下,得到的印象是,雖然輸入的字根有區別大小寫,但是查詢的時候,似乎仍然是把表格當作忽略大小寫差別來處理?意思是說,雖然輸入是(例如)`aA`,但實際上查詢結果卻是所有合乎 `aa`, `AA`, `aA`, `Aa` 的字詞定義都會找到。這樣是否正確?

This is a minimal update to the script that builds the associated phrases file, and byte-sorts the current .cin file so that it's easier to diff against any future updates....

Cf. cc @xatier

As discussed in #63, now that we've improved the effectiveness of UOM, it seems valuable to persist the model. Obviously we don't want to save to disk every time we...

See for details. There are entries that are off. We may want to audit its use and decide whether to rectity those entries, or simply remove the column from...