Luke Wagner
Luke Wagner
Does the Fetch API provide the ability to stream in data before the [Streams API]( has landed (which I didn't think was anywhere yet)? Regardless, Fetch is pretty new and...
Is the text output of JavaScript's ToString(number) deterministic?
Cool. Could we then build our double printing in terms of FFI calls to use JS ToString(number) (and then apply my hack on top to insert a '.' if there...
Oh, I forgot that we need to run in both packer and unpacker. Requiring the packer to run as JS is a bit annoying. Since there aren't many double literals,...
I'm just a bit reticent to introduce a dependency on JS. At the moment, it's been nice that you can run pack/unpack-asmjs as native or asm.js.
OTOH, it would help keep the unpacker small (compared to importing dtoa.c) so I guess this seems fine for now.
Glad to hear you're working on this! First a question for you: you said you're using the `onprogress` event: does that give you chunks of the downloaded file in `ArrayBuffer`s?...
Great! I'd also check other browsers on whether they pass strings containing the binary data (is it base64 encoded?) to `onprogress`.
On vacation atm, but when everything works, @sunfishcode feel free to do the merge.
This is a good question to ask. There is a very high-level question of whether to use linear memory (and a GC implemented in wasm on top of linear memory)...