
Results 4 issues of lukemao

Thanks for developing sent2vec I just installed it. I was trying to run the example and the getting the errors: ``` vectors = vectorizer.sent2vec_bert() HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, description='Downloading', max=231508.0, style=ProgressStyle(descripti… HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, description='Downloading',...

Hi, Thanks for developing spacy USE. Rather than download a model, can we also save/load a model from a local folder? or there is a workaround. I need to use...


Hi, I am not sure if there is a known conflict between eureka-client(1.9.4) and micrometer-spring-legacy I am currently configuring a highly dependent springboot(1.4.7) microservice to be monitored by Prometheus....

Hi, This is a very good library and implementation of LSH. Thanks for the contribution. Sorry, I am new to this library. May I ask is there a way to...