Luke Inman-Semerau
Luke Inman-Semerau
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 7848 ``` Hi, I can't get past a login form in my test (non-HTTPS) environments due to false-positive NoSuchWindowException exception a second after...
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8593 ``` We are using a javascript library that relies on user focus and mouse events. Thus, multiple firefox agents running within a...
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8562 ``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Record a test case in IDE with one waitForElementPresent command. 2. Export this test...
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8545 ``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Launch any with Internet explorer 9 Using WebDriver What do you see instead? I...
Spurious truncated screenshots with IEDriver on Win7 IE10 / IE11 (at least 64bit) with Selenium 2.44
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8488 ``` Dear developers, we have some strange/annoying problems with IEDriver on Win7 / Win8 and IE 10 / IE 11. The machines...
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8481 ``` When using microsofts webdriver for ie11 (by using "-implementation=VENDOR") in the IEDriver the calls to IESession::ExecuteCommand will often loop infinitely. The...
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8473 ``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Open the Selenium IDE. 2.Enter "exact:test*" in the Value field when create a new command....
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8455 ``` As of now the PageFactory class inside the dot net bindings cannot be extended. Where as the same can be extended...
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8453 ``` Providing wiremock configuration and a testcase in java. Running the bat file included and executing the testcase almost always crashes IEdriver...
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8441 ``` Apologies for not being able to create a reproducible example but this is happening a few times a week and the...