Luke Edwards

Results 209 comments of Luke Edwards

Right, they're significantly cheaper to create, but I believe there's a limit to how many can be spawned.

`fasthttprouter` is the fastest router by a long-shot -- [recent comparison]( It _may_ be that (a) the author abandoned this repo (because benchmarks are hard to maintain!!), (b) perhaps the...

I think the auto-scoping is going to pose a problem. With ESM syntax & any standard bundler setup, the file-derived scope name won't match the source file's _assumed_ name. It...

What is the structure of `source/sass`? I think you need to (1) include `{base: 'source'}` within `gulp.src`as seen [here]( or (2) split this into two streams so that the first...

Any feedback on this? Been a little while :)

As mentioned at the top of the PR: ``` Breaking Changed the 2nd param to be a boolean, toggling long-mode directly Of course this can be reverted, and I'm open...

Hmm.. so this is a 180 from your previous comments, wherein you said this was a "won't fix" and you ❤️'d my "you're just being nice about having no interest"...

Gotcha. Well, I can restore the branch & you could reopen the PR, but TBH I'm kinda done waiting & putting effort into this contribution, so you/someone else is going...

I'm sorry – I generally agree with small PRs, but I really don't think that was the case here: * there has to be a benchmark to prove the performance...

Hey, I'm assuming that @kiuKisas started with the [template]( If so, that's using `[email protected]` which does not decode URLs by default. This was changed within `polka@next`. You can change this...