Luke Edwards

Results 209 comments of Luke Edwards

I keep them in the module when they don't rely on a dependency tree of other types

I agree 💯% on this -- a lot of the issues we've been getting are related to documentation & tutorial needs. What if we made full use of your HNPWA...

Nothing changes though so I didn't think it was related

I've also spent some time on augmentChunkHash to no avail. The issue persisted here with or without it. I left it out since it wasn't necessary for reproduction

Additional things I have tried: * Moving the `demo/styles` plugin to use a `transform` hook instead of `load` hook * Emitting the CSS file with/without a `name` field * Emitting...

@benmccann thank you 🙏 I was going to walk through Rollup version history tomorrow

That sounds like it could fit what I'm experiencing. Thank you for taking a look :)

So if I understand correctly, you're saying that the internal reference IDs are different despite pointing to the same emitted asset? Even though _those_ referenced files are built consistently, each...

What happens when the emitted `name` is undefined? How is an identifier assigned? Do you think the problem will resolve if `name` were the full source path? Or does that...