Luke Childs

Results 79 issues of Luke Childs

The latest builds of mm on both the `jl777` and `dev` branch crash when I issue commands over the socket. If I just remove the non zero `queueid` to make...

Currently, in the case of an error, mm returns an error property in the JSON with the value set as the error message. This means theres no way to handle...

We’re having some pretty major user experience issues in our GUI implementation due to slow electrum servers. Sometimes the portfolio command takes a few mins to respond because one of...

Following on from Once a swap moves from `pending` to `swaps` in `recentswaps` and gives us `requestid`/`quoteid`, if we try to query it it shows invalid data: ``` timestamp:...

I've refactored our exchange view to use the `recentswaps` command to poll for the latest pending trades and then query them once they're in progress with `swapstatus(requestid, quoteid)` as per...

Currently it has line breaks, JSON does not allow real line-breaks. This throws a parse error in JavaScript so you can't read the response. You need to replace all the...

During testing we're getting quite a few errors and it's very hard to tell what's causing them. `marketmaker` will occasionally hang, drop connections or just quit. Even when we query...

Currently this has only be tested on macOS. It should work on Linux but it needs testing.

This branch drops VirtualBox in favour of Parallels as the virtualisation backend since Parallels runs on both Intel and Apple silicon Macs. We also switch to using SSHFS to implement...

Add a random hex prefix to the hostname so multiple instances can be run simultaneously without conflicting. Use openssl: ``` $ openssl rand -hex 4 d67dd434 ``` So hostnames would...