Luke Childs

Results 255 comments of Luke Childs

If anyone's using [zsh-nvm]( I just [baked this functionality in]( You can do `nvm use|install nightly|rc`. ``` % nvm install rc Downloading and installing node v8.0.0-rc.1... Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%...

@ljharb Oh, sorry, didn't realise you were so strongly against this. Personally I think this is quite a useful feature other than just for installing node 8. Sometimes if I...

I think it would be pretty simple to prevent breakage. How are you planning to handle nightly/rc versions? If you're gonna drop them all into `$NVM_DIR/versions/node/` and just update the...

Also, for a bit more context someone raised this issue on keyv: I thought this was a good point: > Users can more trust just packages without worrying about...

This is genius!

I've tried Term 3 and the default OS X terminal app with both zsh 5.1 and bash 3.1. I always get: ``` qfc_complete:20: command not found: qfc ``` ☹️

@desyncr I'm not sure what's changed since I last tried but I just tried again and it works fine now after sourcing, I don't need to add anything to my...

@desyncr Good spot 👍 @dewey @pindexis This can probably be closed.

Maybe I didn't explain very well, that was an oversimplified example. The above code is happening inside an animation loop. A more accurate example would be: ```js getAnimationState(oldAnimationState) { const...

If it makes any difference to you, I just tested and [`immutability-helper`]( behaves the way I'm proposing. ```js import update from 'immutability-helper'; const obj = { foo: 0 }; const...