Luke Underwood
Luke Underwood
I just ran into the same problem. This was also seen in #331 I fixed this by clearing my VS Code caches, and then restarting: ```zsh # MacOS rm -rf...
@brandonkelly 🤔 I'm getting CORS issues when forwarding the token to my SPA. Happening on both 3.2 beta and alpha ``` Access to fetch at 'https://localhost/api?token=MtitB8j722_Qwo45bYOAdDXKQmfM-hJT' from origin 'https://localhost:3000' has...
@tgc123 I finally got it working with Magnific-Popup in gallery mode. In my Magnific-Popup call I had to delegate only the slides that weren't clones. I did this this selecting...
WOW. This would be awesome mate!
I think this is related to this change:
+1. I use SVGs everywhere I can as modern web designs should. The initial security fix should not have been simply removing upload support for SVG altogether