My podlock file shows `1.15.0`
Sure. Ignore the custom `Colour.`, `Fonts.` and `Image.`. These are SwiftGen structs for `UIColor`, `UIFont` and `UIImage` In my `UINavigationController` subclass, I have ```swift private func setupNavigationBar() { self.navigation.configuration.isEnabled =...
Sadly not made any difference. Putting a breakpoint in my test, when I type into the console ```bash po app.navigationBars.buttons ``` I get the following output ``` Find: Target Application...
@gerchicov-bp I'd be interested to hear about this. Have you had something rejected because of this library? If so, have you found an alternative to replace this library that is...
I had this problem too, but once I set my destination path to ```swift let destination = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent("\(UUID().uuidString).mp4") ``` it works totally fine with either single or when looping...