Andreas Lackner
Andreas Lackner
Tested with chrome and Pace 1.0.2: - Set a breakpoint in the constructor of AjaxMonitor and watch getIntercept().bindings - load a simple html page with Pace on it - call...
I've troubles getting valid readings from MPU-9250. I'm using MPU9250BasicAHRS.ino as base. To get the code running on an ESP8266 I had to remove display-related code (as I have no...
I've tried to test the PCA9685 servo examples. They don't work, and I managed to figure out, where the problem might be located: Taking a look at com.pi4j.component.servo.impl.GenericServo.setPositon(): public void...
if (Double.isNaN(cos2SigmaM)) cos2SigmaM = 0; is missing, so getDistance(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) doesn't work...