Łukasz Gryglicki

Results 12 issues of Łukasz Gryglicki

Hi, we came across many PR events being missing either due to missing data files or missing events in existing data files. See examples: - https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng/pull/1197 - this PR is...

When uncompressing the last JSON is broken. `{"id":"14032425374"` (...) `"type":"Organization","site_admin":false},"repo":nul` Looks like it is tructated. cc @igrigorik

Hi, I have a question: Should all commits stored in `git` repository be present on the GitHub archives? I have a local clone of `torvalds/linux` repository. I'm counting all distinct...

## Description Trying to create the following PVC: ``` --- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: namespace: default name: pvtest spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: openebs-hostpath resources: requests: storage: 1Gi ```...

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Command: `p2o.py --enrich --index sds-o-ran-documentation-jira-raw --index-enrich sds-o-ran-documentation-jira -e (redacted) --db-host mariadb.mariadb --db-sortinghat sortinghat --db-user sortinghat --db-password (redacted) jira https://jira.o-ran-sc.org --project DOC -u (redacted) -p (redacted) --no-archive --verify False`: ``` 2019-12-05...


Hi, Perceval only supports Jira backend either as an anonymous user (without providing any credentials at all) or basic auth (via username/password pair). - Anonymous access if often disabled on...


Bugzilla should have a `--project proj_name` flag to filter by project. For example [freedesktop bugzilla](https://bugs.freedesktop.org/query.cgi) or [apache bugzilla](https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/query.cgi) both have product drop-down filter. Without that option, I have to pull...

Hi, it was [suggested](https://github.com/chaoss/grimoirelab-elk/issues/922#issuecomment-662304154) by @valeriocos that I can create a feature request: Imagine the situation that you have a [full system](https://github.com/LF-Engineering/sync-data-sources) build around the grimoire stack and orchestrating individual...

When trying to use "grimoire/full" with ES 7.X it doesn't work, see - Start grimoire stack:`docker run -e RUN_MORDRED=NO -it grimoirelab/full` - Start ES 7.X: `docker run -p 9200:9200 -p...


Built grimoire docker image using [this](https://github.com/LF-Engineering/sync-data-sources/blob/master/docker-images/base/collect_and_build.sh), [this](https://github.com/LF-Engineering/sync-data-sources/blob/master/docker-images/base/Dockerfile) and [that](https://github.com/LF-Engineering/sync-data-sources/blob/master/docker-images/base/provision-minimal/provision.sh) (even with [that](https://github.com/LF-Engineering/sync-data-sources/blob/master/docker-images/base/collect_and_build.sh#L24) line commented out, so all repos use their base branches) and `p2o.py` command fails due to dependencies error:...