Lukas Nagel
Lukas Nagel
Not documented, but you can use `*` in place of an actual order. This generates a StateMachine with a loop transition on every specified event. Then constraintes should be checked.
Hi Ben, I am really sorry for the late reply. I only used this tool for an University assignment and had not have the capacity to put further work into...
Hi, i just implemented said changes and polished the commit history.
Hi, Thanks for the review. I moved the entries in `.github/CODEOWNERS` and squashed the commits to avoid clutter in the history.
Hi, I just fixed the failing workflow step `nix-build -A docs.jsonModuleMaintainers` on my part. I used `lib.maintainers` instead of ``. (My branch is based on master and `nix-build -A docs.jsonModuleMaintainers`...
> I've tried to test this but everytime I am greeted with the aerc assistant even when I enabled aerc for an account. Is that expected ? Depends, if `programs.aerc.enable`...
> I have the problem, that home-manager creates an empty binds.conf, effectively disabling all keybindings. Does this PR fix that issue? Yes, e36acb9 should adress this issue. > Edit: A...
> I think even with an non-empty config, the default values should also be written to `aerc.conf` and `binds.conf`. Well, that would be nice. How would you do it? >...
> > > I think even with an non-empty config, the default values should also be written to `aerc.conf` and `binds.conf`. I guess default values for `aerc.conf` would not be...