Lukas Hambsch
Lukas Hambsch
@duartejc Are there any plans to release the version that has httpoison upgraded?
I'm seeing this same issue. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it?
The first error seems to be resolved by accepting the xcode agreement (not sure what effect the elixir upgrade had on this). But it's still hanging when I try to...
It is not in the mix.exs file. But I do see it in the mix.lock file.
It's still just hanging for me even after running `mix local.hex --force`.
Sorry for the slow response. I tried running `mix deps.clean --unlock --unused`, then running `mix deps.get`. Unfortunately it's still hanging when I have `{:bcrypt_elixir, "~> 2.0"}` in my dependencies.
Still no luck. Just hanging when I run that command too.
That's alright. I appreciate everything you've done to try & help. Thanks!
I'm having the same issue. If I move my cursor within a code block, everything folds about 1 second after I stop moving my cursor.