Luka Paunović

Results 6 comments of Luka Paunović

I just want to say that the tools works wonderfully, even though I had to install specific version of "requests" (`pip install -I requests==2.21.0`). All went well. Congratulations on this...

I faced the same problem. You just need to enable control port in `/etc/tor/torrc`

@harm0nic just enable the control port.... uncomment it or add it to the end of a file **/etc/tor/torrc** `ControlPort 9051`

Vesta DNS editor doesn't verify all inputs well which is **really bad.** I encountered many other DNS edits which can break BIND. Imagine shared hosting... one user makes wrong input...

That's **not** what this is about. The point here is that TXT and SPF types of DNS insertions via VestaCP interface are going to fail whole zone (ubuntu/debian) and whole...

@hostmit send your TXT record here and I'll reformat it for you. But you need to add it then to your zone manually in /home/user/conf/dns/