Jiayou Lu
Jiayou Lu
multiprocessing/pool.py", line 608, in get raise self._value NotImplementedError Exception ignored in: BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have encountered the same problem as you!!! I can't solve it. Have...
No ''gaussian_mlp_inverse_policy.py'' in my rllab/sandbox/rocky/tf/policies, neither in https://github.com/rll/rllab/tree/master/sandbox/rocky/tf/policies. python ant_irl.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "ant_irl.py", line 10, in from sandbox.rocky.tf.policies.gaussian_mlp_inverse_policy import GaussianMLPInversePolicy ImportError: No module named 'sandbox.rocky.tf.policies.gaussian_mlp_inverse_policy'
> Hi! I am looking forward to training and evaluating on our own dataset. +1 Looking forward to training and evaluating on our own dataset.
Could you provide the training script?