Luiz Carvalho

Results 7 issues of Luiz Carvalho

It's possible send raw JSON otherwise use `Telegram::Bot::Types`? Same like this in [call function]( ``` def call(endpoint, raw_params = {}) params = build_params(raw_params) directly_call(endpoint, params) end def directly_call(endpoint, raw_json) response...

Hello guys, When user hits the max attempts in CatchAll controller, a [hard code time]( (15 minutes) is used for define time to he try again. Is it possible make...

Hello friends, I tried use `stealth generate` expecting receive a message to help me use command, but I received this error. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): 10: from /home/desenvolvimento/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in...

**A good idea would be a complete sample of chatbot using Stealth** Complete samples is a awesome way to start and learn fast. Sample trivia, or weather reporter, or another....

Hello my friends, Me again :P During all that I used Stealth, has a functionality that I always missed. The possibility of passing a parameter to another flow action. For...

Hello friends, I'm trying `Stealth 1.1.6` with` stealth-facebook 1.13.1` and bot entered in loop, because of the `reads_event` (sorry for that, my fault). The error occurs because Stealth understand that...

I clone the project and when I run `rspec`, this happens: ``` Verify the bot with the following verify_token :github /home/luiz/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/gems/webmock-2.3.1/lib/webmock/http_lib_adapters/net_http.rb:114:in `request': Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: POST...