Luiza Andrade
Luiza Andrade
When trying to encode string variables, it is easier to start from a list of its current values. The option should pre-fill: - variable name - value - number of...
 Maybe this is intentional, but in that case, it should not have a .`txt` file format.
From Stata Journal reviewer: > In general, I don’t like these other options. First, its functionality isn’t what I initially thought after reading the explanation in your article. To me,...
- [ ] Clean file paths form "\" to "/" - [ ] Check that folder exists and throw error - [ ] Check that file exists and throw error...
This should be a new do-file (not ado) to be saved in *iefieldkit/src/ado_files/*. It should contain functions to perform the following tasks: - [x] Test that a file extension was...
Luiza: Should probably find a way to keep these (special characters) in the future. Ben: Agree. At least it would be better to have a good list of what can...
as discussed in #94, we should check if either `.xls` or `.xslx` are specified, and show a warning saying to double check the filepath if the extension is not specified
Test that that are certain sheets in a file or certain columns in a sheet to check that the input is a valid form, so the error message is more...
ieduplicates currently saves the duplicates report only in xlsx format. Since the report has a single tab, it could probably be saved as csv as well.