Luis Silva
Luis Silva
Currently Ajenti-v is setting the executable on supervisord.conf as: "node" On Debian systems should be "nodejs" This is breaking the start of the node app obviously. I think the problem...
Using Multiple Providers. To reproduce exception: ``` IDataProviderProvider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider("BlahProvider"); new SubSonic.Query.QueryCommand( "Delete from foo", Provider ).ToDbCommand().ExecuteNonQuery(); ``` This works fine: ``` SubSonic.Query.QueryCommand query = new SubSonic.Query.QueryCommand( "Delete from foo",Provider);...
If I augment my model in a partial class with a set of properties it does not generate the new properties.
**I'm submitting a bug** * **Library Version:** 1.6.3 **Please tell us about your environment:** * **Operating System:** Windows 10 * **Node Version:** v10.13.0 * **NPM Version:** 6.6.0 * **JSPM OR...