Luís Costa

Results 9 comments of Luís Costa

> > > Hi, > After > `$ nvidia-docker build -t deep-image-prior .` > it looks like everything went fine. > but upon executing > `nvidia-docker run --rm -it --ipc=host...

You mean change the Current Date to the mitigation date and put the number of hospitalizations at that time?

Thank you for all your replies! > For the curve behavior: > > Keep in mind that hospital census is a sum over admissions over the preceding length-of-stay days. So,...

Well, but I would still need a FC after the Encoding Module, right?

What you suggest is to remove my FC6 layer, add the Encoding Module and then plug the FC7 layer for prediction, right?

Hey @nabsabraham, any chance that you can share the pytorch version? I really would like to try it

Thank you for the quick reply. I was following this one and yea, I noticed that your Attn Unet have an extra layer (4 skip connections), should be easy...

Hello, I did some research on this topic at the time and I collected some papers/articles that I found interesting. - Paper: "U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation" by...