Luis Pedro Coelho

Results 78 comments of Luis Pedro Coelho

This is not impossible and possibly not even to hard to do on a "best effort" basis

This is somewhat of a feature (IIRC, it was a patch submitted by a user, but I cannot find the right PR or email right now to remember the discussion)...

IIRC `-target jugfile.function$` works

I got the same error and the input files seem fine. Unfortunately, this is on a fairly large reference DB (48GB), so I cannot easily post an example. I can...

On our input, PAF output works, SAM triggers the above mentioned error.

Thanks. It's been a while since I looked at this, but I think the numerics of these computations are such that they would have to be implemented much more carefully...

I will probably not implement this as I think that the newer [YAML List]( approach is superior.

I'm not too sure why I was called out here, but both `NaN` and zero seem defensible choices in terms of what Bray-curtis between two zero vectors should be. If... also depends on this package through

Right now, strobealign only supports up to 2²⁴ sequences. If the user tries more, it would silently accept it, but later crash. This was triggered when trying to map to...