Luis Pedro Coelho

Results 78 comments of Luis Pedro Coelho

I see what you mean, but I'm not too sure what to do about it. The definition of a polygon that mahotas uses does not include those points, but the...

What does your file look like? Did you `import mahotas.features` before this code?

Does `import numpy` work on your system? This is some messed up installation. How did you install mahotas?

Sorry, this seems like a messed up environment and I do not have any insights.

Yes, this is hard coded for erosion/dilation, so the code would need to be extended to accept the boundary options. I'd welcome a patch, but it's not clear when I'd...

Thanks for the report. I am familiar with Nix as I use NixOS on my laptop (which, unfortunately, is in the shop). Running the test 100 times on my work...

It's not, at the moment, a priority for me (although I would gladly accept a patch), but I will leave the issue open for future reference.

Thanks, I would be happy to help you, but this is very hard to evaluate like this as the formatting is all messed up. Can you please submit this as...

I agree it'd be very nice. ATM, I don't have the cycles to do it myself and it's not something I would need on any other project; so it's very...