Luis Herranz

Results 125 comments of Luis Herranz

I'd love this to get merged as well :)

An array of scripts would be useful as well: ```js { ... content: { rendered: "....

I'd love to share another point here, just in case it matters during the implementation: This `content.amp` field is not only useful for the Shadow AMP API, but also for...

I've started a PR ( to work on this.

A couple of different use cases for the different options, also extracted from the PR comments: #### 1. Full AMP document Do you have a PWA and want to insert...

For what I've seen so far there's no easy way to include a full AMP document inside another full AMP document, so using the Full AMP document for the use...

Looks great to me so far. I've also added the version numbers to the scripts array following [the spec]( and removed the check of `content.rendered` now that we are using...

It looks like extending the `content` schema to include the `amp` property was not possible yet so I've opened a core ticket to add a filter in `WP_REST_Posts_Controller::get_item_schema()` and submitted...

> Disable AMP content in REST API if website experience is not enabled @westonruter I'd love to know more about this. The `website` experience needs to be enabled to be...

What happens if someone doesn't want to use AMP in their website (PHP theme) but for some reason wants to use it in another place where the content is fetched...