Luis Castro
Luis Castro
try adding a ! to the @Input declaration `@Input() name!: string;` i ran it like that and i don't see any issue.
is this still planned for this week? the majority of my stuff seems to be working inside angular 15 but well want to be sure, thanks for the great job.
> `3.7.5` seemed to be building ES2020. I see `3.7.6` just dropped but it is building ES2015. > > ``` > ⠙ Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...Processing legacy "View...
> We've merged the commit that switched to partial compilation format and doesn't require `ngcc`. It's available under `3.7.6-dev.master-dcdd391`. The package is built using Angular 12 since it's the initial...
I Can give it a try, what kind of testing are you looking for?
haven't seen issues with my angular 15 standalone application
Any timeline for the 3.8 to be released?
> Any timeline for the 3.8 to be released? Just reading that next major angular will completely remove NGCC so more than ever to keep up we need this one...
i see the first draft for the changes in version 3.8 so I think this is a work in progress and it soon will be resolved, thanks to the whole...
Should we also mention (for better DX) that there's a webstorm plugin coming? Or that would be an ad 😅