This issue also explains #268. I'm closing that issue since the error is better explained here
it does. Closing the issue now
- Test that having MikTex or any latex distribution pre-installed will also work. Or perhaps pandoc - If so, send instructions for MikTex installation from the software center
related to #102
we should try to reconcile the slides indicating to create a new project and the instructions on using the `.Rproj` file downloaded from the GH repo. Otherwise, we should decide...
not exclusively related to this session, but it was in this session when we noticed this: a couple of participants had an outdated version of R which caused errors when...
several of the `tidyverse` functions we present here have an equivalent in Stata. We could consider including those equivalents in the slides, it might help to make them clearer
Delete contents on file paths, libraries, and projects; those will be covered on the intro the next time
It seems that there was some confusion coming from ggplot's syntax. Maybe we can consider moving slides 20-22 earlier in the presentation?
not necessarily a problem, but note that the object `worldmap` is defined twice in slides 9 and 12. Perhaps it would be easier to use only the definition of slide...