
Results 16 issues of luikore

Note: `$form.serialize()` doesn't add file fields in the resulting data.

We'd like to switch from ES to Sonic. But we already have many custom scoring functions over different document attributes, it seems not possible on sonic yet. Is there any...


Especially for sinatra applications. Here's a minimal example demonstrating the problem: **app.rb** ``` ruby require "sinatra" class App < Sinatra::Base get '/' do i = 1 i = 1 i...

request: ``` Get /foo HTTP/1.1 Connection: Upgrade Upgrade: Websocket ``` response: ``` HTTP/1.1 101 Websocket Protocol Handshake Upgrade: Websocket Connection: Upgrade ``` client js: ``` js ws = new...


Currently header is represented as a hash, but it can contain repeated keys so a extra_header_lines is used to generated additional ones. We need a new Header class such that...

Requires to consume everything in read and write implementation. **Main loop fd handling change** If it is server fd, add a counter, do not put into the st_table for uniqueness....

**kqueue note** Watch `EVFILT_PROC` and `NOTE_EXIT` **linux note** ``` sh man 2 prctl ``` --- ``` c prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGXXX); ``` (this does not conflict with #38)

Linux 3.9 and BSD support this feature, which simplifies prefork architecture a lot. We can start multiple standalone processes listening to the same port, without the need of using fork.

Override kernel IO functions before loading database drivers, then we can make everything even C-ext based database drivers async. But these read/write/send need to be separated from the usage in...

Currently the `:get` selector doesn't work yet And check that wiki is also updated