B. S.

Results 8 comments of B. S.

Tested file 1 with indexes starting from 0 -> result: Word 2007 is complaining Tested file 2 with indexes starting from 1 -> result: Word 2007 is accepting file without...

Please have a look at your DNS settings for wifi. Seems that there is a wrong or no DNS. You can use e.g. googles DNS at

Just as an input. you can restrict bindings to ipv4 or ipv6. Maybe there is an issue. If its working, we can close the bug.

Who about prividing standard tinc and making and additional option field (check box) where you can choose beta release. Checking this box would call a download dialog where tinc beta...

You have to download Android NDK (not the SDK!) because you have to compile C code and not only the Java code. Second step: see readme of Tincat https://github.com/gsliepen/tinc ->...

Are you shure, your scripts are executed? What is the output of the scripts? Can you post your routes and the ifconfig output?

questions: - you can connect to a website over ip or this this also not possible? - does your vpn server forward traffic to the internet? - does your vpn...