Jonathan Lu
Jonathan Lu
Does this issue disclose certain kinds of security breaches? In that case, this public issue itself might be a security risk for Dragonwell users. Is it possible to set up...
> Does this issue disclose certain kinds of security breaches? > In that case, this public issue itself might be a security risk for Dragonwell users. > Is it possible...
上古 shell 代码啊,有计划用 Java 重写么?
I guess I left a patch on Gitlab before leaving Alibaba, possibly in the personal organization `chuansheng.lcs/`, can anybody from Alibaba please help to check if the patch is still...
- crash在GC里,试试换CMS GC看还会不会crash?JVM选项 `-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC`, 详细文档 - 日志里有“/tmp/ (deleted)” 之类的,是不是使用了某种“热”更新或动态代码加载技术?这类技术有已知的风险,能关掉试一试吗? ps: 解出来的crash指令似乎有问题
尝试缩小问题范围看看是不是热更导致的吧;可以考虑尽量使用 jdk 规范支持的一些标准机制,不要做太tricky的事情。
Thank you, Sanhong! Looking forward to the evaluation progress :)
@joeyleeeeeee97 I think this issue looks more like an enhancement / feature request than a mere question. Can we change the label to 'enhancement'?
相关信息应该不是很多吧,为什么要隐藏呢? 使用某个特性的时输出相关信息不是很方便线上排查问题么
> 我这边程序有个需要交互的控制台,elesticheap的输出经常把有用的信息或者界面冲掉 @mmyxym 可能会有一些输入 :)