Luis Felipe Zamora

Results 3 comments of Luis Felipe Zamora

@p-mazhnik Changed "babel-jest" to "ts-jest" and got an error message but running `yarn add ts-jest` fixed both the message and the coverage report

For those of you wondering (just like me): `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` is defined as `2^53 - 1`, that is, `9007199254740991` The keyboardOpeningTime prop receives a number as miliseconds, so setting `keyboardOpeningTime={Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}` actually...

Here's a quick workaround ```jsx 1 ? data.length : 3} activeDotIndex={data.length > 1 ? activeDot : 1} inactiveDotOpacity={data.length > 1 ? 0.5 : 0} /> ``` You basically render three...