Luca Franceschi
Luca Franceschi
Thanks @ifangcheng ! In fact, there is a person that's working on it; but I don't know when it will be ready. I presume that at least some part of...
Hi @AntoineHX We are shortly releasing a PyTorch implementation of an algorithm related to RTHO (real time hyperparamter optimization) for optimizing learning rate schedules online. Unfortunately at the moment we...
Hi all, just wanted to post the link of a new package for gradient-based hyperparameter tuning in PyTorch. Right now it only contains the code for running an ``enhanced``...
Ciao Nicolas, I've pushed an update that fixes the problems for AdamOptimizer. In newer versions of TensorFlow the protected variables _beta1_power and _beta2_power changed name; from there the error! For...
Thanks! The FMA dataset is freely available here We used the _small_ dataset and did some preprocessing/feature extraction. If you send me a private email at [email protected] I think...
For others who would like the preprocessed FMA dataset that we used (_small_), please email me and I'll send you a link! Cheers, Luca