You can test the compatibility with the intellilink 4.0 LG headunit (on Opel)?
it is possibile to have a video to see how works this project on a real headunit?
no solution?
Hi, I have the same problem with other custom android auto app. There Is a solution? On emulator works but on car not. The solution is also publish app to...
Yes android auto developer mode is on, unknow resources option Is on, but the problem Is the same. With android auto emulator i view app on list and i can...
Hi, you have a sample app of this so i can try it if works? you have only the radio player on this app or other functions? regards,
Thanks. But Is possible to use this workaround of messaging AA app to display data or android acrivity?
Hi, with root and AA-Phenotype-Patcher is possibile to view custom app on real android auto?