Lucas Vazquez

Results 18 comments of Lucas Vazquez

The approve is an event raised through using oktokit. You may look into api module, here is the `approve` function declared. This function is used in the `parse` module, where...

Hey guy, can you see this one second? In this file [s3direct/](/bradleyg/django-s3direct/blob/master/s3direct/, at line 36 is the follow code: ```python allowed = dest.get('allowed') if (allowed and file_type not in allowed)...

I think this probably will work for you. ```js module.exports = { module: { rules: [ { test: /\.sass$/, use: [ { loader: "sass-loader", options: { sassOptions: { importer: jsonImporter(),...

Die is the singular form of dice

I don't see emmet abbreviations

> @lucasvazq Try this > > Include "emmet.includeLanguages": {"django-html": "html"}, into the settings file @sinjihn-4th-valley Thanks a lot, my bad. I thought it should appear when I started the tag...

why want support to IE in 2021?

My life ask for a chatbot