Lucas Souza
Lucas Souza
> encontrou o mesmo problema, > > eu resolvo isso adicionando `babel-plugin-inline-react-svg`como dependências de desenvolvimento > > então adicione isso ao seu `babel.config.js` > > ``` > { "plugins": [...
> @DrimZ usou essa solução, embora faça a web expo funcionar, ela quebra o simulador ios e android. > > O erro: > `Invariant Violation: View config getter callback for...
> > > @DrimZ usou essa solução, embora faça a web expo funcionar, ela quebra o simulador ios e android. > > > O erro: > > > `Invariant Violation:...
I have been using this module for two of my projects for a long time, but in recent versions of react it presented several problems, mainly in iOS, I looked...
> @lucassouza16 hi when i run this "yarn add lucassouza16/react-native-bluetooth-serial#latest" > something error: > error An unexpected error occurred: " getaddrinfo ENOENT". > > i don't what happen This...
react-native v0.70.6 and the problem still exists newArchEnabled=true ``` > Task :ReactAndroid:hermes-engine:configureBuildForHermes FAILED Caching disabled for task ':ReactAndroid:hermes-engine:configureBuildForHermes' because: Build cache is disabled Task ':ReactAndroid:hermes-engine:configureBuildForHermes' is not up-to-date because: Task...