
Results 23 comments of lucasrla

Hey @einalex, thanks for reaching out. I agree that the way highlights look could be improved. If you (or anyone else reading this in the future) is willing to contribute...

Re your intuition, not sure I completely got what you meant by "mark that as highlighted" but yes, there should be different paths to solve this issue. Re the new...

Good! I will read the reddit post. My device is still on, though. I have just checked for new updates and it says "Your device is up to date."...

Hey @clement-elbaz, thanks for reaching out. Just to make sure I fully understood what you mean by Notebooks and Quick Sheets support. 1. Is it the ability to treat Notebooks/Quick...

Great! Sounds like a plan. The solution you are proposing for accessing the `templates` seems very reasonable to me. Looking forward to your contributions. Thanks!

One suggestion has just occurred to me. If no `--templates_dir` is provided by the user, we could guess where they have their templates' .png and .svg before throwing an error....

Nice, @Gigahawk! I hope to have the time to look at it by next week. BTW, having templates as an optional background does sound like a good idea.

Hey @Phill93, thanks for reaching out! I am happy to merge any PR that works (and whose code looks reasonably clear). I believe @Gigahawk started implementing it back in January...

Hey @thamnos, Whenever I write/draw in two different layers on my device, I have always been able to extract the content from both layers later on. So I am yet...

Hi @thamnos, thanks for reaching out. I have never used (nor tested) remarks with any PDF in landscape. So this issue is due to omission :) Are you willing to...