Lucas Motta

Results 29 comments of Lucas Motta

Good shout @millermedeiros! I did a small test locally and it worked perfectly! I will write some tests, find a proper name for the plugin and publish to npm/github. Cheers!...

This option would be awesome when you are building games, specially. Any thoughts on implementing this? I will take a look if not.

I am having the same issue when archiving the app on React Native 0.63.2.

Yeah, this is a known issue but it's a bit more tricky than it looks like. It's not a top priority for me know as it doesn't "break" anything, but...

When working on teams, it's really important to push your changes before uploading the files – is that the case with you and @julien731?

## Structure for the **Option 2** **User:** lucasmotta **Date:** 19/02/2014 @ 11:20 **Branch:** live **List of commits:** - 19/02/2014 @ 11:16 by lucasmotta: 12314123123 - Added intro video - 14/02/2014...

@CWSpear I thought about adding this functionality of deploying a specific commit, but then I rethought and I think it's better to leave that outside DPLOY. You can easily checkout...

Hey @pierrestoffe, I think the `post-commit` is not working properly because DPLOY runs asynchronous, so your the script would never know when the action is completed. I am gonna look...

Hey @julien731 - I know it's been a while, but the new version of dploy that is about to be releases will support custom configs through the CLI. So you...

I've noticed that a few people are having troubles with the paths, I think it may be something related to the way I am using [minimatch]( I will have a...