Lucas Mafra
Lucas Mafra
I need the same here! Did you or someone else achieved that?
I just found a solution, it may work for you: First of all, I have in my template two date inputs (let's call them startDate and endDate). The second one...
Hi @mikecann, Thanks for asking. To be honest, this is just a pet project. I was working with DynamoDB a couple months ago and I noticed that there is no...
I'm considering to get back with this lib in the next weeks, but there is really no serious roadmap for now. A couple days ago the guys from the company...
Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't mention any of this in the README. I wasn't expecting people to find this library at all. 😅 I'm going to update the docs...
Hi @henriqueguisasola, TypeDynamo is a wrapper around AWS SDK and its implementation relies on that to provide all of its features, which means that it needs AWS SDK to run...
Also, if you're running on Lambda, I recommend you to take a look at this TypeDynamo [example application](
Hmm.. I'm going to check this and make sure that master is published. Thanks for letting me know.