> .164 I have the same problem MA send a wrong ip of the HA server #, so i can t play anythings with MA
when was this function introduced which recognizes the ip? because previously it worked perfectly for me I think until realizes 2022.8.1 then there was no way I could reproduce anything
I have enabled the port in fact I can see the data but I don't know how to import the trip and charge data inside Home Assistant as sensors ....
Did you manage to read the charge data via node red? For example, how much energy did you charge in the last session? Could I share the nodes?
thanks this is what I would like to do... @flobz is it possible with psa car controller installed as addon?
It is a different approach in fact I wanted to know if it was possible to do the same thing through the addon, surely the data is in a db...
Because I have only a rpi with HassOS installed and I works fine, I doesn't have a Linux system to use this method...
I opened a new issue because it is another bms and I have also collected some information to do this but it goes beyond my skills BTW, I can control...
Any update of ANT BMS support?
> Okay, I increased VCOM up to 2.3v. Unfortunately it still hasn't really improved, so it's not that Are there any improvement? which version of 7.5in is 100% compatible?