Lucas Hervier
Lucas Hervier
It is a good point, but then we have to make sure the type we use are necessary AND sufficient. Because, it is nice that a user can understand the...
You want to change the default `map_to_interpret_space` function for LIME & KernelSHAP for images inputs to watershed. But from my understanding this new function need to be parametrized for EACH...
Sorry for the delay and I hope it is not too late but can you also provide a minimal code leading to this error ? It is to be able...
Hi Adrien! Would a wrapper such as the one used in this [example]( fix it ?
With the PR #132,we introduce a wrapper in [``]( file. You can take inspiration of this wrapper to handle channel first models
Since there is no more activity on this issue and no answers to @AntoninPoche's comment, I will mark this issue resolved. If anyone has the same issue, feel free to...
Hi! First, I apologize for the delay in our answer. We have read your paper and we would appreciate integrating it in Xplique. Unfortunately, our team is quite busy as...
Hey there, I am gonna investigate it. Could you please provide your code to get: `processed_tf_inputs` and `man_bounding_box`? Also, you said that you use a custom Yolov7. But can you...