Lucas Buchalla Sesti
Lucas Buchalla Sesti
Hey, i facing with same issue, but i can resolve my problem changing the development language, in project.pbxproj have the: DevelopmentRegios = en; // Change this to your language (or...
Yes... but i can't resolve just seeing this issue... i found in a post of stackoverflow (i don't have the link anymore, but i'll try again)
@suesitran Did you try what i said? Because i tested in debug and release build, and both works
Probably you don't need change to en.. but, if you want change to other languages, you need put in first options off knownRegions and in development region
I have added the two lines but im still getting the error, I run in console Croppie is not defined, but Cropper its defined
I found a workaround, I downloaded the files that is necessary to run the croppie, and added in my web/ folder in flutter, and imported locally instead from url, and...
I'll make a pull request, but I don't know if he is using this repository to accept... but the workaround is copy the full library (it's small code, one file...