Luca Nicola Debiasi
Luca Nicola Debiasi
Defining as * **pure** : the code agnostic if running in nodejs or in a browser without additional component to adapt runtime to nodejs. * **secure** : the code we...
The code at is pure and secure for - packages/core/src/address/address.ts
The code at is pure and secure for - packages/core/src/hdnode/hdnode.ts - packages/core/src/mnemonic/mnemonic.ts
The code at is pure and secure for - packages/core/src/utils/data/data.ts The code in `packages/core/src/utils/const/data.ts` substitute `ZERO_BUFFER` based on NodeJS `Buffer` with `ZERO_BYTES` based on pure JS `Uint8Array`.
The proposed solution makes the `verify` method case insensitive, albeit the SDK sticks to adhere to the proposed convention to represent the addresses.
Dealing with units and quantities should be addressed my the *VeChain Data Model* we are developing in the SDK team, hence I propose to address this ticket as we are...
### Diagnosis The origin of the problem is `Map` type exposes `keys` through the type `IterableIterator`, introduced with ES2015 or higher. The error message"Type error: Type 'IterableIterator' can only be...