Luca Casonato
Luca Casonato
The refresh is working in the latest Firefox Developer Edition release for me. The error message is a purely cosmetic error. See
Can you check that you are on the latest version of Firefox Developer Edition?
Following FF bug is likely to be blamed: Firefox is not properly reconnecting `EventSource` on lost connection.
> Wouldn't that then interfere with thread local state if the async hooks are started before the synchronous hooks, though? I don't think so. As long as there is never...
There is currently a bug in @preact/signals + preact-render-to-string that is resulting in a minor memory leak. I want to make sure this is fixed before we recommend that folks...
The array destructuring code you are referencing does not exist in the Deno repo in 1.23, so this is not the root cause.
This docs page was written assuming UNIX file paths, not Windows ones. On Windows you probably need to update the file paths to be a proper Windows style path.
It is only possible to pass JSON serializable values to as props to islands. Why? Because there are actually two renders going on. The first render happens on the server...
This is also elaborated in
Are you attempting to share state between multiple islands, or between the SSR'd route and the island?